
Appita Conference  - Poster Session
Proudly Sponsored by the Jasper Mardon Memorial Trust

The Call for Poster Papers for the Appita Conference 2024 is now open! We invite you to submit a poster and showcase your innovations in process improvement and optimization within the pulp and papermaking industry.

This year's poster session is sponsored by the Jasper Mardon Memorial Trust Fund, which awards a plaque for the best poster presentation. This sponsorship honours the memory of Dr Jasper Mardon, a pioneer in the pulp and paper industry, known for his significant contributions to papermaking technology and innovation.

Dr. Jasper Mardon was a renowned figure in the pulp and paper industry, recognised for his groundbreaking work in the field. His research and innovations have had a lasting impact on papermaking processes, contributing to advancements in efficiency and quality. The Jasper Mardon Memorial Trust Fund was established to continue his legacy by supporting educational and research initiatives in the industry.

Poster papers will be prominently displayed in the exhibition area throughout the conference. We encourage you to be present at your poster during conference breaks to engage with attendees and answer any questions they may have. To learn more, download the Poster Paper Guidelines.

Key Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 4th, 2024
Exhibition: Wednesday, December 4th to Thursday, December 5th

How to Participate:
Submit a 250-word abstract (Abstract Template) to the Appita Technical Committee by September 4th, 2024. The committee will review each submission to ensure it meets the criteria below. 

CLICK HERE to submit your abstract.

Evaluation Criteria
Posters will be evaluated based on:

  • Innovation: Degree of technological advancement and innovation.
  • Impact: Potential impact on the pulp and papermaking industry.
  • Presentation: Clarity and quality of the poster presentation.
  • Relevance: Align with the process improvement and optimisation theme in pulp and papermaking.

Judging Panel
Our judging panel consists of a diverse group of industry experts, academics, and past prize winners. The panel will review the posters during the session, engage with presenters, and score each poster paper based on the abovementioned criteria.

Award Presentation
A plaque will be awarded to the author of the winning poster, continuing the prestigious tradition of the Jasper Mardon Memorial Prize, which honours significant contributions to technological advancements in papermaking. The winning poster will be announced, and plaques will be presented during the annual dinner. Additionally, the winning poster will be published in post-conference issue of the Appita Magazine.

Don't miss this opportunity to share your innovative work and contribute to the advancement of our industry! Submit your abstract today and be part of shaping the future of pulp and papermaking.