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BioPRIA (Monash University)
Premium Sustaining Member
At BioPRIA we are dedicated to seeking knowledge and innovation to provide solutions to industry challenges. We support disciplinary experts with a research interest in biomass/bioresource materials, and collaborate with industry partners on research projects.
Our researchers come from a wide range of multidisciplinary knowledge and they complement BioPRIA research capabilities.
In addition, BioPRIA has established a reputation for excellence research programs, measured through grants and funding. Bioresource Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (BAMI) and Processing Advanced Lignocellulosics are examples of successful Industry Transformation Research hubs (ITRH) awarded to BioPRIA, by the government to support innovation in pulp and paper industry in Australia.
P +61 3 9905 3456
Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University
PO Box 36
Clayton 3800 VIC