
Appita is committed to supporting the professional development of association members. This free member resource library is designed to provide members with easy access to free resources such as current industry report, association partner magazines and bulletins and technical notes on a range of relevant topics.


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Australia & New Zealand 2022 Pulp & Paper Industry Guide

The Guide to the pulp and paper industry is compiled by Appita Inc. and IndustryEdge, with generous assistance from the membership and industry support groups. This Guide is part of Appita’s commitment to the industry and the membership. It provides a status report on pulp and paper activities in Australia and New Zealand and explains the manufacturing processes and the common terms used in the industry. (Free access for Appita Members)

Technical Resources


Technology of pulping and paper making

A glossary of commonly used terms.

Download here

Market Resources

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Pulp & Paper Industry Overview & Outlook – Seventeen22

Seventeen22 provides a succinct overview and summary of Australian and New Zealand paper, paper product, pulp and fibre supply markets for 2016 –17 and the prior decade, as well as the outlook and IndustryEdge’s consumption forecasts through to 2022.

Download Seventeen22 here

Back Issues

Sixteen21 Overview & Outlook to 2021 Overview & Outlook to 2021

National Sustainability Report2016

2016 National Pulp & Paper Sustainability Report

Australia’s paper and paperboard manufacturing industry continued its role as a global sustainability leader in 2016. The industry is committed to improving its sustainability and to communicating its progress on the sustainability journey to its stakeholders. Members of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) either improved their sustainability performance in 2016, or maintained it, where performance is already at global best practice levels. This report, compiled and verified independently, addresses five key measures of sustainability, covering resource utilization, recycling, energy efficiency, employment in regional Australia and import replacement. It does so using verifiable and consistent data and with methodologies that meet Australian and international standards.

Download here.