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- Appita New Speaker Competition Runoff
- Copy paper more than two-thirds NZ total uncoated market
- Beverage container recycling solutions: good for entire supply chain
- Economics: Manufacturing picked up in June, but it’s all about food right now
- ‘Lost’ cartonboard imports found
- Australia’s pulp consumption fell 12.4% in 2020 financial year
- Louise Van Tiel, a plant engineer from Oji Fibre Solutions Kinleith wins the NZ Section New Speaker Competition
- Port Botany Chaos Adds to Trade Pains
- Recovered Paper Exports: Indonesia replaces China as main destination
- Pulp price rocket continues higher in February and March
- Redoubtable and remarkable: Aida Greenbury talks with IndustryEdge
- FORECAST: Australian consumption faces uncertainty
- ACCC approves sale of Orora Fibre to Australian Paper
- Paper imports continued to trend down in February
- Recycled paper price nonsense: Analyst Insight
- Cellulose nanomaterials: Transitioning to a bio economy
- Pact embraces end of waste
- Competitive fibre-based composite is coming
- Niels Petter Wright appointed as new CEO of Norske Skog Group
- Circa Group’s Commercial Demonstration Plant Comes Online and Produces First Batch of 99% Pure Cyrene®
- Oji Fibre Solutions’ make-over of Tasman Mill
- Gas poisoning kills 7 at South China paper mill
- Paper will not carry us through the next hundred years
- Worker 'burnt to death' at paper mill in Bangladesh
- Victoria's recycling crisis goes from bad to worse as another plant shuts down
- Paper Science Engineers Are Always in Demand
- 5 key trends disrupting the paper and board market
- GREEN CHEMISTREE: the Pulp and Paper Industry’s Next Evolution
- AF&PA Releases January 2019 Reports
- Waste paper exports lower, but stabilising
- A4 imports slumped to a record low in December
- Hardwood chip export price tops AUD230 per tonne
- AFPA welcomes funding for forest industry R&D projects March 26, 2019
- Printed imports close to $1 billion in 2018
- Forestry experts condemn ‘weak rant’ against industry
- Australia needs a Minister for Food, says Visy's Pratt
- CUB scraps six-pack plastic rings for cardboard
- From Plastic to Paper - How Will Sustainability Trends Impact the Pulp and Paper Industry?
- New York Times - The Great American Cardboard Comeback
- UPM is building a new ecosystem for wood-based biomedical solutions together with partners
- More than JUST another packaged water
- Nation of readers!
- China to the rescue! Has real growth returned?
- Stink Bug Pain Spreads to 32 Countries for 2019-20
- Forest industries can play a big role in Labor’s industry strategy
- Visy cuts ribbon on $100m board plant
- CEPI publishes new food contact guidelines for the paper and board industry
- Valmet has completed the acquisition of GL&V
- Pulp and paper mill waste becomes fish feed, energy and more
- Growing the forest bioeconomy: Biomaterials for high-tech applications
- World’s first compostable bird box trialled
- Weaker demand for pulp
- Govt funds new B2B 'eBay' circular economy hub
- Comics provide more than relief
- Read All About It! Recycle that newsprint any way you can
- Forest industries welcomes new Minister
- Inexact forestry valuations may fluctuate by $1b
- A4 imports – the ONLY place colour matters
- Are freight costs a feature of the trade war?
- Paper Cups: A Responsible Consumer Choice
- New Innovations in Paper
- 5 Reasons Paper Books Are Still More Popular Than E-Books
- Industry leaders gather to take action on packaging
- Sydney sees import values rise – but not for all grades
- Tissue sector set to rationalise
- Recovered paper exports at decadal low
- AFPA CEO appointed Vice-Chair of UN FAO Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries
- Paper industry frets as India gears up for RCEP talks
- Global food giant, Nestle have announced the move to recyclable paper packaging for its Yes! snack bars
- Wood Fiber Prices Reach Five-Year High, May Weaken in Second Half 2019
- Orora’s Garrard to retire, Lowe steps up
- Sawdust Might Be One Answer to the World’s Plastic Problem
- Recycling firm plunges into papermaking with $320M mill
- Paper Bags, The Natural Choice
- New Zealand’s printing paper demand: ‘just a little different’
- Coated woodfree paper consumption crashes 30% in 2018-19
- Orora numbers all rise
- Battery Ventures Acquires Forest2Market and Fisher International
- IPCC report backs sustainable forest industries to help tackle climate change
- Licella & iQ Renew Sign MOU with Oji Fibre Solutions to Investigate
- China to increase tariffs on US OCC and other materials
- Contributing to the Circular Economy: The Paper and Wood Products Industry
- Tetra Pak turns focus to paper straws and plant-based materials
- Australian pulp consumption up for sixth successive year
- Label imports roll up the local competition
- Pratt to host Scott Morrison and Trump in Ohio
- Adoption of Oji Group’s paper product by Nestlé
- Australia’s forest industries showcased in new promotional videos
- Australian Paper says waste project is vital
- Coca-Cola European Partners to ditch plastic shrink-wrap
- Nestlé aims for no packaging in litter or landfill
- Packaging firms ‘inspiring the next generation’ through Pro Carton’s schools initiative
- Exploring opportunities to develop a Latrobe Valley Aquaculture Industry
- Indonesia slightly scales back paper import restrictions
- Jori Ringman becomes Director General of CEPI
- OjiFS opens new Mildura plant, brings wax-free boxes to market
- BioPRIA publishes paper on “Nanocellulose films as air and water vapour barriers: A recyclable and biodegradable alternative to polyolefin packaging”
- Converted packaging imports up 7.5%
- Stamps stomped in 2020
- 2020: Freight Costs Will Rise
- Fitzgibbon backs Victoria’s sustainable native forest industries
- Spicers expands packaging with Direct Paper deal
- OjiFS to invest $100m in Christchurch packaging plant
- Australian Paper support for investment in new Gippsland plantations
- Orora takes plastic out of apple packaging
- Valmet introduces new visible imaging system for pulp mill lime kilns
- Australian scientists may have discovered solution to our plastic recycling problem
- Borealis, Nestlé, and Walmart join New Plastics Economy as Core Partners
- Pulp importers feel the pleasure, and the pain
- NZ pulp exports rise as prices stumble
- PM flags hazard reduction focus for royal commission, which must include mechanical fuel removal
- Local solutions needed for waste export ban
- Pratt to build more US recycled fiber mills
- Blazes burn up workloads for bushfire printers
- Industry donates to fire relief
- Oatly switches to Evergreen Packaging’s renewable ice cream board
- Forest thinning can reduce bushfire risk – academics
- Adoption of Oji Group’s paper product by Nestlé Group
- Excellent Carbon Footprint result
- Victorian industry funding a strong step forward
- Printed newspapers readership plummets
- Price of recycled paper grade jumps nearly 30%
- Containerboard faces crisis as bushfires burn trees
- Norske Skog sells forest assets in Tasmania
- Two Sides: 131 companies removed misleading anti-paper statements in 2019
- European paper and board production follows the EU economy downward trend in 2019, in contrast with market pulp production dynamism
- Item adds 100% paper handles to its natural fibre products
- Enjoy your to-go cup of joe
- Import disruptions minimal to date: COVID-19 Update
- China turns shipping back on, but that’s just a start
- Coronavirus fires up production at Australia's only medical mask factory
- FIRB okays sale of Orora’s Australasian fibre business
- Corrugated Box Industry Keeps Supply Chain Moving Amid COVID-19 Challenges
- AF&PA Stresses Paper and Wood Products Industry’s “Essential” Role in Responding to COVID-19 Challenges
- COVID-19: PEFC extends transition period for 2020 standards
- European pulp and paper sector maintain essential operations to help EU citizens tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
- Coronavirus: Contract manufacturers set to help stem shortage of hand sanitisers
- Opal is now open for business
- New mid-month edition provides rapid updates
- Three Reasons Why Folding Boxboard is Growing Rapidly in Europe
- COVID-19: update by BIR member national associations
- Opinion: What a wonderful world this could be
- Taking the pulse of the pulp and paper industry: June update
- 2020 Strategic Review – Now Available for Subscription
- Almost 4000 sign Bring Back Print petition
- ABARES report on impact of COVID-19 on forestry
- REPORT: Packaging – what to expect in a pandemic
- AFPA forecasts a calamitous decline in housing construction: urgent recovery package needed
- The COVID-19 pandemic - The coronavirus's impact on forest products markets
- Eco packaging for ready meals comes to Coles
- The facts relating to Covid-19 transmission through paper/cardboard surfaces
- Forest material can be used as UV and fire protection
- Japanese paper companies continue the pivot to packaging
- Retail Sales Up While Employment Crunched in March
- Pulp prices respond to vagaries of global demand
- Australia needs to invest in bioenergy and the bioeconomy
- Friday analysis: Who’s barracking for forestry and who’s barricading
- East Gippsland to feel the most economic pain
- Newsprint recycling remains strong at 68%
- AFPA welcomes support for Australia’s bushfire-battered forest industries
- Inquiry into timber supply chain in plantation sector
- Paper and board excluded from export waste ban
- Tetra Pak commits to net zero emissions
- Bio-energy Roadmap – Opportunity for Australia to catch up and compete with the rest of the world
- Sustainability in a time of uncertainty
- Australian consumers want Aussie paper bags
- Woolworths to replace some plastic fresh produce packaging with cardboard
- NZ sack and bag trade largely local, but watch pre-converted imports
- Major reforms needed for recovery: Report
- Bunnings should listen to forest industry workers and reverse Victorian native forest timber decision
- Visy acquires glass manufacturing business
- A new chapter in the plastic versus paper race
- Talking Fibre Punnets: An Interview with Jamie O’dell
- Johnnie Walker to step out in paper bottle
- Paper, not film – eco-friendly can-packaging system
- Beyond China: Webinar Focusses on Asia
- Recovered Paper Exports Fall 5% as Prices Crash 28%
- Bob Brown legal action a callous attack on Tas timber workers
- SCT Logistics expands in Wodonga to move NSW burnt timber
- Paper surviving troubled times, now weathering coronavirus fallout
- Coles lashed for abandoning print catalogues
- Researchers develop sustainable method for extracting vanillin from wood processing waste
- Heineken UK replaces plastic rings with cardboard topper
- Announcement of the start of fluff pulp production for use in absorbent hygiene products such as disposable diapers
- SGEC/PEFC Japan presents the world’s first PEFC-certified sweets
- Pulp market turns a tentative corner
- Opal welcomes Morrison's gas plan
- Valmet strengthens its business by acquiring PMP Group, a provider of technologies and services for the paper industry
- Vic opposition exposes Dan’s sham forestry plan
- A.Celli Paper acquires PMT Italia
- Timber processor alarmed over 'massive amount' of softwood exported to China
- Monadnock Expands Alternative Fiber Offerings with Hemp Envi™ Performance Board
- Stora Enso and Fiskeby team up to help turn used paper cups into white-lined chipboard
- Lego to switch from plastic to paper inner bags
- DS Smith and Laithwaite’s team to deliver closed loop solution
- New L&W Autoline automated paper testing system and L&W Laboratory Measurement System (LMS) launched worldwide
- Procemex to deliver OnePlatform Web Monitoring and Inspection System to Stora Enso Oulu Mill
- NZ pulp exports recover after pandemic slump
- Uncoated Mechanical Paper: Huge spike in Directory imports has tongues wagging
- Chemical use in the Australian pulp and paper industry: survey
- China’s 2020 ban ‘will not have a massive impact’ on fiber markets
- Calls of Bull with respect to Vic timber plantations
- Forest Industries ready to assist Australia’s economic recovery
- Visy breaks records as production surges
- Plastic-free coffee cup hits the market
- Nestlé UK switches to paper wrapper for Smarties bar
- Tekscan Nip Pressure Alignment Tool (NPAT™) is a solution to streamline the nip-machine set-up process by providing relative interface pressure data in real-tim
- How about a different approach to recycled content and the circular economy?
- Fibre-packaging for food lifts ‘specialties’ to a new level
- China RCP trade ending with a whimper as Indonesia steps to the plate
- Printing paper prices up 2.1% in November: IndustryEdge’s Australasian Paper Price Index
- Australian researcher Professor Gil Garnier to judge prestigious international pulp and paper award
- Woollies puts catalogue on pause for digital savvy
- Friday analysis: Log an objection with the WWF – we are not deforesting.
- APCO releases new report which maps the state of packaging in Australia and progress on Australia’s 2025 national packaging targets
- Intelligent packaging opens trade doors
- Smarties brand switches to recyclable paper packs
- Australia’s pulp imports lifted 7.0% in 2020
- Paper Price Index: regional prices lifted 7.0% in December
- Wood industry 'needs discussion' as Whakatāne mill flags closure
- False claims linking fires and forestry is at odds with scientific consensus
- Escalating shipping costs send board prices higher
- Morrison government buys Indonesian paper ignores Australian made
- Significant improvement of environmental footprint of paper sacks
- BillerudKorsnäs and Tetra Pak together towards 100 % recyclable packaging
- Cellulose foam by Stora Enso wins “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year”
- New Procemex Flex IR Thermal Smart Camera 640x480 from UJL Pty Ltd
- Regional printing paper prices lift again – up 4.3% in January
- End of cartonboard from New Zealand?
- Federal government to unlock forestry’s potential.
- Queensland govt chops compulsory print ads.
- Revamped EU Forest Strategy will recognize the importance of forest-based industries and the bioeconomy
- Two Sides tells 320 companies to stop greenwashing
- European paper recycling demonstrates high level of resilience in the light of severe global disruptions
- Smurfit Kappa develops sustainable packaging solution for Signify's antibacterial light
- Study: Advantages of paper-based single-use products
- Four reasons to use paper-based eCommerce packaging
- Combined Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) and Coagulation to meet trade waste guidelines – A Case Study by our new Sustaining Member, Infinite Water!
- READY, SET, GO! Paper price rises locked in
- Food exports continue to dominate ‘packaged’ exports: it’s a meaty thing
- Global rally sees pulp prices at record levels
- More sustainable forest industries essential to meet global 2050 carbon neutrality goal, says new UN FAO Forestry Advisory Chair, Ross Hampton
- Woolworths, Detpak: local manufacturing in the bag
- Smarties makes total switch to paper packaging
- Spanish fashion retailer Alvaro Moreno to save 90 tonnes of plastic per year by switching to more sustainable packaging from Mondi
- Molson Coors removes plastic rings from all major brands
- Pulp mill waste hits the road instead of the landfill
- Australian woodchip exports set for growth.
- Industry leads government on climate response
- NZ recovered paper prices keep moving up
- Whakatāne Mill to continue operating after sale agreed to Smurfit consortium
- Partnering to support local communities
- AFPA calls on native forestry critics to drop the weapons and join the battle against climate change.
- Friday analysis: timber supply is a challenge all over the world.
- Joint media release: Paper waste no longer a 'pulp' fiction thanks to new technology
- Spinnova and Suzano announce Woodspin scaling ambition to 1 million tonnes of annual capacity by 2031
- Game on for smart packaging at Hungry Jack's
- Graphic Packaging helps start-up with pack for plant-based butter.
- Stora Enso and Pulpex partner to produce fiber-based bottles on industrial scale
- US paperboard cutlery leader launches range in UK and Europe
- Cellwood Machinery fortifies its position by acquiring Metrans AB
- Newsprint recovery rate holds up
- Super-cal: a fragile existence
- Queensland OCC export price crashes
- Kawerau's Tasman paper mill production finishes, clean up begins
- Folding carton pack volumes set for growth
- AFPA welcomes Federal Government commitment to buy only Australian made paper
- Smurfit brothers lead takeover of New Zealand paper mill.
- VALE: Peter Gordon Bennett
- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern tours Visy’s Auckland Material Recovery Facility
- Stretchable paper: an exciting avenue for novel paper applications
- Ferrero trials 100% recyclable POS displays
- Telstra leads with 2022 packaging pledge.
- Andritz new MasterDry™ Dryer Fabrics
- Appita YPN – Net Zero Carbon Event Success!
- Regional production capacity: 3.8 Mt
- Corrugating medium imports down 31%
- ANDRITZ introduces CircleToZero® – paving the way towards pulp production with zero emissions and zero waste
- Celebrating 20 years at Tumut
- Packaging eco-evolution or eco-revolution?
- Serving up aluminium-free paper-based packaging
- UK: Paperboard with plastic – recyclable or not?
- Nestle Purina adds bark to plastic waste battle
- On the path to net zero, Canada must grow a circular bioeconomy
- Greater use of wood-fibre products could have helped solve plastics collision course on waste exports ban
- ABB celebrates 70 years of providing Quality Control Systems
- UJL Solutions News
- Paper, packaging and fibre under the microscope: IndustryEdge’s annual strategic review turns 30!
- Woodchip exports: why IndustryEdge tracks vessel movements
- Log export data tells tale of two Tasman’s
- Finalists are announced for the 2021 Women in Industry Awards
- ACT Government recognises forestry and timber workers are ‘essential’ so vital food packaging and timber operations can continue
- Andritz to supply chip storage system to Visy Pulp & Paper, Tumut mill, Australia
- Senator Rex Patrick draws Federal Government attention to urgent need to accelerate its Billion Trees Plan
- Partnership with Detpak helping turn coffee cups into gift wrap
- Its Christmas shopping time: right now!
- Recovered paper exports remain high as prices ramp 27%
- Woodchip Market: Hardwood chip exports down 11.7% year-on-year
- Raising awareness about responsible Forest Management
- COVID-19 Community Support
- Shipping shortages mean local pack opportunities
- WA Labor abandons sustainable, science based, forestry policy with a smoke and mirrors ‘pivot to plantations’
- Opal transitions cloud to take out risk
- Price Index: Regional printing paper increase – up 1.6% in August
- Coated woodfree grades hanging on in New Zealand
- Pranav Nair, Graduate Engineer from Opal Australian Paper announced winner of the 2021 New Speaker Competition Australia Runoff
- Caine Davies, Graduate Process Engineer from Oji Fibre Solutions Tasman announced Winner of the 2021 New Speaker Competition New Zealand Runoff
- Australia’s forest industries must be a big part of Net Zero 2050 conversation
- Vic govt pumps $2.1m into recycling innovation
- Essity invests in world’s first tissue machine running on geothermal steam
- Stora Enso launches new fluff pulp grade
- New brand identity elevates not-so-humble pies
- First order win for ABB’s newly launched Sheet Break Performance digital service
- Procemex (UJL Solutions Pty. Ltd.)
- Explosive input costs set to flow on: chemicals, metal fabrication and machinery all lift sharply)
- Packaging imports provide supply chain opportunity
- Newsprint imports collapsing – but that’s not the story right now
- Opal uses digital print for variable advent boxes
- Aussie forest industries can do more to fight climate change through increased bioenergy production
- $9m Federal boost to support forestry growth
- Opal and Petuna develop fibre-based first for fish
- Norske Skog Skogn enters the packaging market with Interliner
- Life cycle assessment of Mondi’s paper for pallet wrapping shows lower climate impact
- Arnott's switches to recyclable displays
- BillerudKorsnäs innovative solution on secondary packaging helps Oatly cut packaging carbon footprint by half
- Index Engineering’s new kiln shell laser will help pulp and paper mill clients!
- GAW Technologies
- Paper & paperboard imports – Australia up 1.9%, NZ up 0.1% YE November
- Pulp: Supply challenges push markets back up - 1Q22 pressures to remain - IndustryEdge
- Are converted packaging imports a 'canary in the mine' for domestic manufacturing?
- APCO aiming to deliver PFAS phase-out in food packs
- AFPA welcomes Andrew Leighton as new FWPA CEO
- Talking... about RE+
- New study suggests cartonboard can be recycled 25 times without loss of integrity
- Scaling and Education: The Next Steps to Coffee Cup Recycling
- 7 packaging trends to watch out for in 2022
- Sustainability milestone reached: Voith will be operating climate neutrally at all its sites as of January 1, 2022
- Kellogg's Tests Paper Cereal Liner, and Other Fiber-Based Plastic Replacements
- Valmet has renewed IQ Profilers product portfolio
- BTG Excellence Consistency Measurement with MEK
- Recovered paper export prices at record levels
- Envelopes humbled, but undefeated
- Cartonboard consumption up 20% over pandemic
- Unpacking the myth
- Celebrating Women and Girls in Science
- Nature’s Flame wood pellets production company sold to New Zealand-based Talley’s Group
- Can paper bottles actually be sustainable?
- Essity enters agreement to acquire Australian hygiene company Asaleo Care
- BASF develops label adhesives that do not interfere with paper recycling
- Paper imports from Russia are minor
- Shipping attention turns to the Russia effect
- Amcor to scale down operations in Russia
- Woolworths’ WA stores usher in paper bags
- No FSC material from Russia and Belarus until the invasion ends
- Kimberly-Clark Response To The War In Ukraine
- PAPACKS® launches a partnership with Keurig Dr Pepper
- Doting Pet Parents Drive Innovation in Packaging Design, Technology
- Reusable Corrugated Cases Drive Big Savings for Auto Parts Suppliers
- “BTG’s FiberMAX Solution Offers a Novel Way to Increase Efficiency, Minimize Variability and Reduce Cost
- China’s tissue consumption, integrated pulp and the impact of higher priced fibre
- Finnish paper mill strike ends but demand remains high for now, keeping paper prices up
- RCP Market: $300M annual export trade continues boom time
- APCO CEO Brooke Donnelly to step down
- Visy announced $700 million investment in Queensland recycling and re-manufacturing
- Belinda Driscoll becomes the youngest and first female MD of Kimberly-Clark
- Federal Labor must ensure that our sustainable pulp and paper manufacturing jobs are not driven offshore by carbon pricing
- Bridge Road Brewers to open recycled cardboard bar
- Stora Enso introduces formed fibre lids for takeaway packaging
- Putting Aussie eggs in an upcycled basket
- ABB launches fastest paper machine moisture sensor on the market, taking 5,000 measurements per second
- API653 Tank Inspection, Tom Knight from Index Engineering
- Packaging paper import prices up almost 15% year-on-year
- NZ recovered paper exports demonstrate the allure of fibre – IndustryEdge
- Coated woodfree grades lift 47% - renaissance or dead cat bounce? - IndustryEdge
- Ron Hooper named Whakatāne Mill's new chief executive
- Norske Skog's mill in Boyer, Southern Tasmania, has received a total grant of AUD 4 million from the Tasmanian and federal governments!
- Visy’s Queensland Investments
- National forestry innovation institute to go ahead at University of Tasmania in Launceston
- Creating an Australian made 100 per cent recycled wine box
- Smurfit Kappa gains Vegan Society certification for corrugated packaging solutions
- Andritz CC bagless sectors for uniform fiber mats, high performance, and less maintenance
- Forest industries welcome Albanese Ministry with mandate to turbocharge One Billion Trees goal to tackle climate change and boost timber supply
- Satron Instruments
- Amazon: Transformational Change in E-comm Packaging Begins Upstream
- Refillable Wooden Lipstick Case
- Three scientific studies break stereotypes on reusable packaging
- Growing beer bottles on trees
- Australian ‘Kraft’ paper and board prices continue to climb
- Strange coated mechanical pricing switches to medium weights
- Pulp Market: Prices rise again as supply-side issues dominate nearly all commodity markets
- Making a positive difference in our local communities
- Sustainability of Voith´s own activities: Successful steps reduce carbon footprint at its sites worldwide
- Regional Printing Paper Price Index: Prices up 5.1% in June
- Australian Packaging Paper Price Index: Up 13.4% quarter-ended June
- EWP supply relies on imports, and that is risky business
- Visy's Queensland box factory gets green light
- Forest industries giant Greg McCormack retires as AFPA Chair
- Opal show off carton art on ABC’s Landline
- Visy to upgrade Auckland sorting facility
- Wine in paper bottles: What does the future hold?
- Monitoring losses with the digitalization solution OnView. MassBalance for more sustainability and transparency in stock preparation
- Parkside's first flexible paper pack for frozen food
- Smurfit Kappa’s circular approach to benefit local community
- Valmet's Next generation versatile butterfly valves
- Market reviews chart the course for the next decade
- Global ad spend rebounds, but no cheer for print
- NZ fibre packaging exports decline to lowest level
- APCO launches PFAS Action Plan
- New UN international partnership to fight climate change by increasing forestry
- Victoria’s first Bottom Ash Recycling facility approved for development
- Govt partners with industry to explore sustainable wood processing
- Regeneration: the natural evolution beyond sustainability
- US corrugated box and containerboard market trends to watch for in 2023
- Wood foam ready to replace polymer-based packaging solutions
- Mondi launches new sustainable alternative to plastic shrink wrap
- Textile fibres – animal, vegetable, or mineral?
- Use of ABB solution
- Australia’s changing pattern of recovered paper exports
- India trade agreement now operative
- NZ copy paper prices may have peaked
- Last ream of Reflex comes off Maryvale line
- OjiFS Purchases Cassowary Coast Cartons
- Ball & Doggett to distribute Sappi barrier papers
- Visy launched their women in leadership and operations networking program (WILO) for 2023
- James Cropper wraps Maison Perrier-Jouët wine in gift wrap made from vine shoots and paper pulp
- Innovation to add new value for $425 billion fibre-based packaging market through to 2027
- Meet the twins who turn data into insights
- Tim Hortons to trial fibre lids for hot beverages and replace single-use plastics with renewable materials
- UJL News for New Hi-Op Paperboard PerFect Formation Analyzer
- Index Engineering wins “Employer of the Year” at the 2022 Rotorua Business Awards
- Paper-based packaging for charcuterie business
- Global packaging demand lifts 6.2% in midst of pandemic
- European printing paper demand down 8.5% year-ended November
- Shipping & Freight: Exports roar back into life as container freight rates come down
- Cyclone Gabrielle: ‘We will rebuild’: Napier employers Pan Pac, Ravensdown rule out closures after floods
- Visy installs first ANDRITZ FibreFlow Drum pulping system in Australia
- Opal Australian Paper Maryvale Mill supply update
- Federal Parliament backs more timber trees to cut Australia’s emissions.
- Schumacher Packaging introduces paper-based top-seal tray for fruit and vegetables
- PVCA print voice pressure pays off
- Visy proud to sponsor Australian football in Singapore
- UPM Biochemicals to develop new sustainable coolants
- Tetra Pak: Collaborating to accelerate action
- Aurelia announces PSM-Q installation in Portugal
- BTG welcomes SurfMAX: Solution for reduced starch and energy consumption
- Global printing paper demand lifted in 2021 – that won’t last!
- Woodchip Market: Outlook remains strong, Taiwan of interest
- Paper Price Data: Monthly Snapshot of Key Prices Now Available
- $250,000 donation supports cyclone-affected Hawke’s Bay communities
- Sustainable forest management and products key tools to fight climate change: IPCC.
- Opal's $140m cardboard plant to open in October
- International Women's Day 2023
- How embossing impacts toilet tissue aesthetics and consumer buying behavior
- New wine range does away with bottle labels
- Tetra Pak commences research into fibre-based food packaging.
- Australia’s first road using recycled coffee cups
- Innovative pulping concept from Voith ensures significant reduction of energy demand and CO2 emissions at Palm.
- Regional Printing Paper Import Volumes: AU trade decreased 7.8% NZ down 10.1% year-ended February
- RCP Market: Value of Australian exports down 1.8% year-ended February
- Converted Products Briefing: year ended February 2023
- Pan Pac to rebuild its Whirinaki site in New Zealand
- AFPA welcomes delivery of Albanese Government’s wood processing innovation grants funding
- Mars Wrigley injects $28.8m in Ballarat plant upgrade
- Visy signs on to container deposit scheme
- Biodegradable wood fibre packaging foam from Fibu to be distributed worldwide
- HZ Green Pulp first dry molded fiber producer in Malaysia
- Sonoco Releases White Paper on Steps to Increase Paper Can Recyclability
- Facts are stubborn things: The truth about paper and deforestation
- UJL Pty Ltd provides local sales and support in the ANZ region
- Australian Packaging Paper Price Index: Up 11.8% year-ended March
- Australian Printing Paper Price Index: variable movement in March
- It’s time for a National Cabinet discussion on sustainable forest resource security
- Australian Made is critical for Australia’s sustainable forest sector.
- Opal becomes major sponsor of Launceston City FC Juventus Academy and Scholarship program
- Inaugural Energy Summit for Paper Production
- Coles removes plastic opening from tissue boxes
- Billerud launches kraft wrap for paper rolls
- From side streams to soil improvement fibres and carbon storages – How fibre fractions from paperboard industry are utilised in agriculture
- Stora Enso collaborates on paperboard tube breakthrough to further reduce plastic in packaging
- Valmet
- Aurelia partners with AI group
- Opal Announces Further Plant Closure After Vic Forest Ban
- Maryvale Energy from Waste consortium signs $48.2 million MMI grant agreement.
- OjiFS Engages with Tomorrows Workforce
- AFPA and Timber Queensland back Queensland Government’s pitch for timber as part of 2032 Olympic Games
- Visy gives 9NEWS a rare look inside country’s biggest recycling plant
- Tasowheel’s innovative and modular QCS systems
- Gibson Island recycling upgrade closes the loop for paper recycling in Queensland
- Food paper packaging with recycled content created by Mondi and Syntegon
- Single-piece cardboard wrap from DS Smith aims for easy opening and resource preservation
- J&J Green Paper secures global agreements to revolutionize the paper industry
- Absolut's paper bottle trial sparks controversy
- Rebuild of Visy’s Auckland MRF yields results
- Friday analysis: Victoria sourcing native timber from Tas highlights Andrews’ hypocrisy
- Creating a recyclable alternative to plastic bags
- Sustainable Forestry the Net in Net Zero
- Costa’s premium grapes debut in paper bunch bag
- Unilever's Pot Noodle trials paper pot in UK
- Mondi invests in FunctionalBarrier Paper Ultimate
- New Pringles tube with paper fibre base claims ‘100%’ recyclability
- Tasowheel Quality control systems (QCS) are supported in ANZ by UJL Pty Ltd
- Visy opens Australia's most advanced paper recycling facility
- Opal partner with City of Canterbury Bankstown to raise awareness of homelessness
- The big issue for tissues in Australia as Sorbent cuts production
- Lignin: A Revenue Opportunity for the Paper Industry?
- Kemira and Jain Chem push for paper and board barrier coating innovations in the Americas
- AI in Packaging to Reach $6 Billion by the End of 2033
- Bag-in-box vodka claims 8x carbon footprint cut
- Broadford Mill adds new angle to paper waste
- Designing packaging for the digital generation
- FRANK-PTI Spectro Analyser
- EPA Maryvale Mill update
- OjiFS’ Nadine More flying the flag for women in manufacturing
- Camerons buys Opal envelopes
- To the Moon and back 8 times: Reservoir Paper Mill Celebrates 40 years
- Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite trial fibre-based wrap for beverage multipacks
- Bio-Sourced Asphalt Paves a New Road for Clean Economy in Quebec
- OjiFS rolls out pallet label to boost material recovery
- Paperboard wraps and clips for PepsiCo beverages releasing across North America
- Visy opens Australia’s most advanced corrugated box factory in Hemmant, Queensland
- OjiFS Soars Beyond the Boundaries for 150 Year Oji Anniversary: Making Over 9,000 Origami Cranes
- Releaf Paper unveils new packaging products made from fallen leaves
- Fibre moulding is a hot topic
- Meet Qwarzo – a mineral-based barrier coating validated by Unilever and Innocent
- Smart packaging-based technology solutions aid paper and plastic recycling
- Index Engineering wins two engineering excellence awards
- UJL Solutions – Tasowheel’s newest technology
- Opal’s pop-up cardboard box seats are the stars at City of Canterbury Bankstown’s outdoor cinemas
- OjiFS Forests FSC® Certified and Spring Planting Collaboration
- Norske Skog announces sale of the Tasman mill industrial site
- Grow you good thing! Forest products sector celebrates AgDay!
- Opal Fibre Packaging Wodonga officially open for business
- OjiFS Packaging Southern Wins Stormwater Superhero Award
- Opal and Thread Together: A Packaging Partnership with Purpose
- SOFi Products Unveils New Plastic-Free, Biodegradable Cup for Hot Beverages
- Are Humanoid Robots the Processing and Packaging Labor Force of The Future?
- VTT finds unprecedented extensible limits for formable cellulose-based food packaging to replace single-use plastic
- BioPak's Christmas cup to deliver 20k meals
- Feltest Capto V4 pull clamp
- Visy’s new retail paper bags a win for shoppers and Australian manufacturing
- Diana Hallam announced as AFPA’s new Chief Executive Officer
- Cadbury Australia reduces packaging for Easter
- Inspiring Change: Celebrating Women and Girls in Science
- Closing the loop with paper carrier bags
- UK's Tesco rolls out carboard toilet paper
- Skateboard half pipe successfully built from containerboard to highlight material values
- APCO, Simply Cups launch paper cups ARL logo
- The air is out - ...and that's a good thing!
- Kimberly-Clark slashing emissions at its Millicent mill, but warns of cheap import threat
- $100M Australian Forest and Wood Innovations program launched
- $3.4 million in funding to new recycling projects
- Nippon subsidiary Opal announces plan to cut 220 jobs in Australia, NZ
- Victoria’s first energy from waste licence awarded to Maryvale ‘Energy from Waste’ project
- Seaman Paper launches a lightweight paper-based alternative to plastic pallet wrap
- Optimisation of paperboard can cut the carbon footprint of pharmaceutical packaging by 60 per cent
- Mattress Company Moves to Paper for Roll-Packed Products
- How Amazon is making its packaging more efficient
- "Aurelia recognises PSM-Q success in Europe by celebrating at home”
- Snapshot of Millicent Mill’s economic contribution
- Kinleith Mill Supports 'Love Grace Handbag Appeal'
- Industry responds to Future Made in Australia plan
- Whakatane Mill invests $80m to boost board capacity
- Are paper cups sustainable?
- Milklab cartons turn into walls at coffee expo
- Johnson’s Baby Refill Cartons Cut Plastic, Cost
- Blade-free paper cushioning system launched by Storopack
- Superior UV-light Based Oil Detection in Food Packaging from Procemex
- Turning Squares into Globes: OjiFS Humble Cardboard Box Goes Global
- AFPA welcomes continued Federal Budget support for Australia’s forest industries, but greater focus needed on timber’s role in housing crisis and emissions reduction
- Protect floors and the environment with Visy’s first retail product
- Today’s Attitudes on AI in Packaging and Processing
- New uncoated paperboard enables superior packaging and graphical applications with a natural touch
- Friday analysis: AI’s smarts keeps us and our forests safe
- Aurelia brings benefits to recycled paper machines
- Georgia-Pacific partners with ANDRITZ to invest in boiler operator safety
- Appita New Executive Committee for 2024
- Darren Chester visits ASH to show support
- Major barrier removed to unlock carbon farming and forestry investment!
- Packaging giants commit to inclusivity, diversity
- Cascades brings innovation to the egg market with a new packaging solution
- Amazon replaces 15 billion plastic air pillows with paper filler
- Rivareno replaces styrofoam with cardboard tubs
- Stora Enso and Altris Join Forces to Create the World's Most Sustainable Battery
- New 3D Scanner for Index Engineering
- Updated screening system improves pulp quality at Norske Skog Boyer
- Kimberly-Clark Australia appoints new Head of Supply Chain
- Tas stadium to be largest timber roofed in the world
- Packaging paper and board imports up, but its finished products that are exploding
- ABB launches campaign to accelerate digitalization across industries
- Gen Z's Packaging Revolution: 7 Trends Reshaping Design
- Dewatering technique accelerates drying process for cellulose nanofibers
- How Baileys Paper-Based Bottle is Made
- Fibres from recycled food and beverage cartons produce high-quality moulded pulp packaging, concludes research from Innofibre
- UJL Solutions & Procoats Consulting Oy Services for PM Headbox Audit and Troubleshooting
- Maryvale EfW project wins multi-council waste tenders
- CDS Vic launches Message in a Bottle campaign
- Forest product company to shut entire operation as result of energy prices
- OjiFS Proposes Penrose Mill Closure
- VTT launches new initiative to demonstrate energy-efficient manufacturing technologies for fiber-based products
- Bamboo Toothbrush Launches with Recyclable Packaging
- Red light for energy guzzlers in paper manufacturing
- The Global Shift Towards Biodegradable Pulp & Paper Products
- Sappi Ehingen awards GAW with an order to increase production efficiency
- OjiFS Confirms Penrose Mill Closure
- Winstone Pulp International closes operations at Ruapehu mills; hundreds of jobs lost
- AFPA welcomes the passing of new Illegal Logging laws
- Packaging Queensland Open Home 2024
- Johnnie walks the paper bottle talk
- Mondi bakes sustainability into new premium bread packaging
- Rio Tinto and Midway to develop biofuels from feedstock
- Metsä Board Turns Industrial Waste into Animal Bedding in Circular Economy Push
- Valmet News
- World first engineered wood product made in Warrnambool
- Opal confirms Maryvale mill will keep producing brown paper
- Mountain Blue, Opal, Coles partner in paper punnet trial
- Advanced depackager cuts Woolies' food waste
- Visy manufacturing sites go solar
- OjiFS Proposes to discontinue Paper Production at Kinleith Mill
- Opal debuts world-first life-size cardboard house
- One year on: How Whakatāne Mill’s expansion has exceeded efficiency and sustainability goals
- The recyclability of paper bags should not be controversial
- MasterFoods sauce pack in paper-based trial
- Earthodic raises $6m for bio-based coating breakthrough
- Mars’ MasterFoods Pilots New Paper-based Squeeze-on Packs in Australian First
- New Sensorik Senoweb Felt Break Detector
- Opal's Maryvale Mill in lockout
- Tissue production up at Millicent Mill
- NZ to merge its seven Crown Research Institutes including Scion
- Bendigo and Adelaide Bank must end unfair lending practices and end the greenwashing
- AI and Machine Learning in Pulp and Paper: Growth and Challenges
- How will Trump’s presidency affect the packaging industry?
- Biobased barrier coating bolsters paper cup compostability and recyclability
- Releaf Paper Launches Fallen Leaves-Based Production Line in France
- Recyclable paper thermal pallet covers protect temperature-sensitive products
- Successful pilot plant for wastewater recycling in pulp and paper production
- Opal’s Maryvale Mill back in operation after four-week lockdown
- More than 200 jobs may go as Kinleith Mill closes paper division
- Norske Skog Boyer acquired by Boyer Capital Pty Ltd
- Gene Technology Bill will help put NZ on the global map
- New recyclable cardboard boxes for prawns a win for seafood-lovers and recycling
- Cardboard handle for six-pack Martins Brewery bottles provided by DS Smith
- Smart Technologies Help Bridge Skills Gap
- Paper-based barrier breakthrough for aseptic cartons
- Amazon Redesigns Packaging, Krones Swaps out Plastic Film, and Sainsbury Introduces Plastic-free Avocado Packaging
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